The Impact of Speech Recognition Solutions on Post Acute Documentation
Learn more about how Amedisys is using nVoq’s speech recognition solution, which has resulted in reduced post acute documentation time and has allowed clinicians to spend more time caring for their patients and families.
Streamline the Home Health EVV Process with EVVLink
Homecare Homebase is working with our customers to balance home health EVV requirements across multiple states and create streamlined processes in order to stay compliant.
Overcoming EHR Scalability Challenges in Home-based Care
Health care in the US was already changing rapidly, but 2020 brought massive disruption to home-based care providers. Agencies began the year braced for PDGM Implementation and SIP updates, then had to pivot quickly to respond to the COVID pandemic. The increased use of telehealth and home health care offered home care agencies opportunities for expansion – both in services provided and locations. Growth carries risk, […]
Access to Real-Time Data Improves Quality of Care & Communication
We live in an era of data-driven health care, which means that effective data management is key to your agency’s success. Real-time documentation systems give everyone in your patient’s circle of care fast, easy access to real-time information.