HCHB’s #1 Initiative is Clinician Satisfaction

Have you ever woken up in a cold sweat at 2:00am wondering if you’ve missed an important documentation or compliance task? 


HCHB has crafted a psychological safety net to banish compliance nightmares for clinicians and administrators alike.

Creating a Delightful Experience for Clinicians

HCHB is proud to support the home-based care providers who make a difference in the lives of some of the most vulnerable populations while providing cost-effective and high-quality care. As we evolve, Homecare Homebase is aiming to create more effective and user-friendly applications that support clinical workflows and enhance patient care. We are actively listening to the perspectives and insights of clinicians and incorporating this feedback into the design process. Placing the clinical perspective at the forefront of our approach enhances clinician satisfaction and shows HCHB’s respect for their input and expertise. HCHB’s Clinician Satisfaction initiative is led by our Chief Clinical Officer, Brandy Sparkman-Beierle.

Brandy Sparkman-Beierle Chief Clinical Officer

Meet Brandy Sparkman-Beierle​

Brandy is an RN with 19+ years in clinical operations. She worked at the home health and hospice bedside before moving onto leadership roles and was an avid fan of HCHB. Now as part of the Homecare Homebase team, Brandy tackles clinician satisfaction by helping our clients improve their operational and clinical processes, gathering clinical insights and working with our development team on HCHB product and service enhancements.

“Every day I wake up thinking about how we can make clinicians happy and empower exceptional care in an ever-changing regulatory environment while getting claims paid to keep our customers financially secure and ensure access to care in the home—the place that patients want to receive care. If you’re going to remain a leader in this space, you must continue to evolve. You must have all the stakeholders at the table eliciting their feedback; actually, listening, doing ride-alongs, and co-developing innovative software with clinicians.”

~ Brandy Sparkman-Beierle, Chief Clinical Officer, Homecare Homebase

Listening to Caregivers

Homecare Homebase listens to clinicians and uses their feedback to inform everything from product development to support and implementation. Here are just a few of the ways we’re bringing the clinician perspective to the forefront.

Clinical Advisory Groups

Our clinician satisfaction efforts include connecting with our “boots on the ground”. HCHB consults with multiple groups of clinicians who use HCHB to provide care. These clinicians provide feedback, advice and assist our teams with ride-alongs to give us a glimpse of the daily life of a caregiver.

Enhancing Our Staff’s Clinical Knowledge

HCHB is proud to have several clinicians on staff who share their perspective and expertise with the company. Clinicians are represented in departments ranging from Product Development to Client Success and Education.

HCHB Gold Standard Award for Providing Exceptional Patient Care

Celebrating Caregivers with the HCHB Gold Standard Award

HCHB’s Gold Standard Award celebrates home-based caregivers who utilize HCHB to provide exceptional patient care. Visit our Gold Standard Award Page to learn more about the award and our winners.

Supporting Clinician Satisfaction with Data

Homecare Homebase has developed several dashboards within HCHB Analytics to help agencies track clinician satisfaction and productivity. HCHB goes beyond standard productivity measurements and drills down into key indicators of care fatigue or burnout. These insights help agency leaders initiate engaging conversations with caregivers about their job satisfaction. Watch the webinar to learn more about the Clinician Satisfaction Dashboard.

HCHB’s Commitment to Clinical Compliance

Homecare Homebase will continue to update our software to meet regulatory requirements and provide documentation workflow to provide clinicians with psychological safety. We want to make sure that caregivers using HCHB continue to be confident about compliance.

We actively listen to our customers and what they are concerned about, what they’re facing on a day-to-day perspective from care delivery and clinician satisfaction to the regulatory landscape. We also put that information into action from an advocacy standpoint and try to make sure that their voice is being heard so they can continue to take quality care of patients in their homes.”

– Brandy Sparkman-Beierle, Chief Clinical Officer, Homecare Homebase

An EHR Clinicians Can Trust

During her time as a care provider, Brandy Sparkman-Beierle realized that it wasn’t enough to have the technology. She needed to be able to trust that the software she was using would serve as a safety net. Confidence in your software solution is a requirement to achieve clinician satisfaction.

“Nobody talks about it much, but I have a personal soapbox about psychological safety and trust. At the end of the day, good clinicians that empower exceptional care must take care of patients and they have to do it within compliance guardrails. They must feel safe in the knowledge that they provided the right care and have quality documentation to support the care delivered. I think that’s something that Homecare Homebase has done well over the last 20 years. We provide that safety net. If a clinician or agency has to recall any kind of care that was given, it’s there in a comprehensive, electronic health record (EHR). When I was a clinician using HCHB, I knew I wouldn’t be put in a situation where I was asking: Did I do that? Did I not do that? Did I cross that T? Did I dot that I? Did I get that patient to sign that consent form? Lack of psychology safety and trust are causing many nurses to leave the bedside and organizations because they don’t feel safe.

Leveraging HCHB allows the clinician to recall the care that was delivered in the home. It’s all there and in a complete, concise manner that lives and breathes for the entirety of that record and that patient’s journey. That’s why I love Homecare Homebase. That’s why I’ve loved it since 2006. Because I knew once I synced that visit back, I never had to worry that something wasn’t documented in a quality, compliant manner. It painted the comprehensive, clinical picture that I needed it to. And if it didn’t, it was because I chose not to document the complete, precise picture.

We must continue to support that safety and trust that clinicians need from their EHR. Because that’s all they have to recount the care that was provided in the home. I mean, at the end of the day, you only provide the care you document; remembering years later is a challenge, especially if not documented in the electronic health record (EHR).”

Get Started with Homecare Homebase Today  |  866.535.HCHB (4242)