Hospice Predictive Analytics: A Game Changer for End of Life Care

HCHB - MedaLogix Hospice Care Game-Changer

Hospice News, Homecare Homebase, Medalogix and Knute Nelson collaborated on a webinar showcasing the amazing results agencies are seeing when using Medalogix Muse hospice predictive analytics to inform their end of life care. Presenters included: Jon Higginbotham, VP of Business Development for Homecare Homebase, Tom Maxwell, Co-Founder & Chairman of Muse Healthcare and KaLee Mohrman, Director of Hospice for Knute Nelson. Below is a short sample of some of the items covered in the webinar.

What is Homecare Homebase?

Jon Higginbotham: Homecare Homebase is the market share leader for both home health and hospice providers across the United States. About 37% of all providers in the market use Homecare Homebase. We are really excited to be an exclusive partner with Medalogix Muse, which we believe is really driving the use of predictive analytics in the hospice space.

What is Muse Healthcare?

Tom Maxwell: We launched Muse Healthcare because we found that hospice patients were transitioning without care. About 20% of hospice patients don’t receive visits in the last 3 days and very few visits are received during the last 7 days of life. We want to ensure that every hospice patient transitions with unparalleled quality and dignity. We want to predict when a patient is declining so hospice agencies can do something different, whether that’s increasing visits, making sure a chaplain or social worker is there, changing the care plan etc.

How Does Muse Work?

Tom: We do not change the behavior of the providers in the field. The field workers provide care and collect vital signs etc. and we pull all that data into the Muse data assessment tool. We use over 800 data-points to compare the patient information to other patients who have the same illness. Muse is then able to predict at a greater than 90% level of precision, as the patient is declining in their disease.

Why Did you Select Muse?

KaLee Mohrman: At first, I didn’t know if Muse was really going to fit our needs, but as we dug deeper, we realized that we weren’t always getting visits in within the last 3 days or 7 days of life. We wanted to figure out why we weren’t. As a hospice agency, we are always looking for ways to provide the best quality of care. Muse said that they could help us increase our quality scores and increase our revenue through the Service Intensity Add On Program.

Is Muse Implementation Easy?

KaLee: The training program was very simple. The week that we went live there was nothing additional that the nurses and field team had to do besides what they normally do. Now it takes about a minute and a half a day to get the information out to our teams. It’s very easy to use.

What Are the Results?

KaLee: We are believers in this program now. Look at our quality scores. We implemented in November of 2020 and by December our quality scores had already increased by 2-3 percentage points. Since we increased those visits at the end of life, our service intensity visits and revenue doubled. That was phenomenal. We saw the exact same impact the next month, simply because we pulled this program into our day to day life.

Want to hear more about what KaLee, Jon and Tom had to say about hospice predictive analytics? Register to watch the free webinar here.
